Put-in-Bay SkyRide!Front Page News This is a mockup of the new Put-in-Bay SkyRide© that will carry passengers from the mainland to Put-in-Bay. Season...
Canvas and UpholsterySecond to the prolusion systems, canvas and upholstery can be one of the more expensive things on your boat. The real key to canvas...
Oil and LubricantsOil Did you know California required catalytic converters be put on marine engines under 500hp starting in 2008? 49 other states followed...
Hull Surveys Getting a Hull Survey is always a good idea. Whether its for peace of mind or requested by your insurance company. If you’re not familiar...
Getting InvolvedAmerica's Boating Club/The United States Power Squadron is composed solely of volunteers. We all share a common passion for boating,...
On the WaterMany of us make a social event of being on the water. We look forward to the cruises, raft-ups, watersports, or going fishing. There's...
WinterizingSadly, our short Ohio boating season is coming to an end. Its that time of year. The lake temperature is starting to drop. The nights are...
JIC, Just In CaseHow many pilot their own aircraft? How many wear a parachute or have a ballistic recovery system? I guessing not many. Why? Flying has...
PassionI have an ingrained passion for doing things the right way that was taught to me by my grandfather. "Takes twice as long to do it the...
AnchoringAt 17, I bought my first boat. It came with a custom made, hand crafted, cement filled coffee can with a loop of steel protruding from...